7 Things You Need To Lose To Make 2016 Your Best Year

We live in a world of gains and goal, new year’s resolutions and the pursuit of more. While I am not saying we shouldn’t be striving for more in some areas of our lives, you will usually see more bang for your buck in what you lose, than what you gain.

Think of it like this, we are born into the world and as long as there are no issues with the birth, we pretty much have a clean slate. As time goes by we pick up habits, some good, and some bad. By the time we leave school we have so many habits stacked on top of one another that we generally do not know our true self, from our conditioned self.

By the time we are deep into adulthood, we have been pushed, pulled and guided in a  million directions, which can often lead to a huge sense of overwhelm. Then every New Year we try and add another 5 habits to the million we already have.

In this article I am trying another approach, the opposite to resolution, what I would like to call a reso¬lose-ions were we focus on losing habits that are unhealthy and sabotaging our growth, instead of gaining new ones!