Following the debut of Marvel's Netflix-exclusive Luke Cage TV series last year, a new solo comic starring the bulletproof hero has been announced.
Power Man & Iron Fist writer David Walker is penning the ongoing series, which will feature illustrations by Nelson Blake II.
In an interview with Comic Book Resources, Walker discussed how this new comic will differ from prior portrayals of Luke Cage, noting his new series will offer "a little more mature" take on the hero.
Luke Cage #1, written by David Walker and illustrated by Nelson Blake II |
Additionally, Walker spoke to the recently announced The Defenders comic, noting that he's "been talking a little bit" about the series with writer Brian Michael Bendis and knows what happens in the first story arc. As far as collaborating with Bendis about including Cage's inclusion, Walker said that "moving forward there will definitely be more wrangling of, 'Where’s Luke at this point? And how does he break away to do this?'"
Marvel's new Luke Cage comic series will debut sometime in May. In the meantime, check out IGN's Season 1 review of the Netflix series, which stars Mike Colter as Luke Cage.