Donald Trump Taps WWE Co-Founder Linda McMahon to Lead Small Business Administration

Linda McMahon, former chief executive officer of World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., speaks to the media in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York, U.S., on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016.
Albin Lohr-Jones—Bloomberg via Getty Images

The SBA offers support to small businesses throughout the U.S.

Donald Trump picked Linda McMahon, a pro wrestling magnate and former candidate for Senate, to lead the Small Business Administration, transition officials said on Wednesday.
“Linda has a tremendous background and is widely recognized as one of the country’s top female executives advising businesses around the globe,” Trump said, according to a report from Reuters.
The SBA offers support to small businesses throughout the U.S. in the form of loans and making sure they get a portion of federal contracts.
McMahon, 68, is the co-founder and former CEO of WWE. She twice unsuccessfully ran for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut in 2010 and 2012.
In a tweet, McMahon said he was “honored” to be appointed to the position.

Honored to be appointed by President-Elect @realDonaldTrumpto serve as head of @SBAgov advocating for our small businesses & entrepreneurs!

“Our small businesses are the largest source of job creation in our country,” she said in a statement.
